Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Posted by Winz

I know I promised that I wouldn't write the really serious stuff here but this is something that I felt I needed to vent.
All around us people are born and they die. It is not about these 2 realities that I feel so uneasy but what comes in and how we live it.
As far as history goes...every culture, every civilization, every God-Knows-What has been governed by rules. Not that I begrudge rules....there does exist a need for some order, some balance but sometimes I find these rules cumbersome.
Society and its rules-little mannerisms of politeness reeking with insincerity, hypocritical views of how men and women should live and behave, bug me to no end. I'm a rebel...maybe not in the truest sense (though what is the truest one can answer!), but I do generally rebel what is expected of me by society.
What has made me annoyed on this particular day is the concept of urban life!
Take the example of a child born a few years ago and in most of the cases his or her life will be something like this: being born, growing up, going to school, going to college, getting a job, getting married, having kids, seeing their kids grow and repeat what they did, retiring from work, and dying.
Why oh why can't someone do something different? I don't know maybe not get a conventional Job, encourage their kids to do something out of the ordinary, not get married, do something which they'd only dreamt of.....possibilities are endless........
I for one am not going to grow older and see my life wasted in such a useless, worthless way......I mean sure people are expected to do those's the natural order of things....way of life as it should be according to everyone but its boring...its monotonous and certainly not the way I want my life to be.
From those things I stated I'm sure of one thing I'm not going to do.....that is to get married....and by default everything associated with it.
For the life of them most of my peers, my acquiantances, relatives, whatever..can't understand this. For them its unnatural, unusual, inconceivable that I'd want to do something like this. "How can you not get married? Think of the the time when you'll be older, you'll need someone beside you, you'll need your children." This is the sort if thing I don't believe in. I don't know why but more the people tell anything along these lines the more I feel rebellious!
They cannot understand that some people are meant to be different, think things differently, feel the extreme desire to break free of those invisible shackles which binds people to the stereotypical view of life.
When I've mentioned to anyone that I find the concept of marriage monotonous and uninteresting, many can't understand it. I have to find excuses about career, economic freedom and stuff (which of course are also reasons but not as strong as the feeling of being free, being different!)
I also know that these views are only mine.........I don't expect to be approved of it but hell be damned I'm going to do whatever I what to do with my life!