Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life's little nuggets

Posted by Winz

It has been approximately 2 months since I last had time (ok I'm lying mind's lie-detector is screaming for all its worth....) er......rather felt lazy to write something though many instances have gone by when I've felt like jotting down my pent up thoughts.

I genuinely had had problems around a month back, as in was busy at home and really didnt have any time come online, then after I came back to my university I had some problems with my internet connection as I changed my connection plan, and finally I caught a tenacious 'flu virus from God knows where and was sick with a high fever and an irritating cough for almost 20 days!

I do feel loads better now, and have been meaning to write something down, but as I mentioned before.....was lazy etc etc.....

Anyway for no apparent reason the only thing in my mind right now is Coffee!

To be honest I'm a caffiene addict: I can't do anything without a daily dose of caffiene. Whether its from coffee or from cola....I love caffiene in all its forms!

Today though the weather's a bit chilly and coffee's on the agenda.

I love almost all kinds of coffee....cold, hot, with all sorts of creams n syrups......Though I'm not a huge fan of black coffee, I do like my coffee with less sugar, enhancing its bitter taste.

Almost everyone will agree that a good cup of coffee is one of the best ways to start a day. For me though, being prone to opposites, a good cup of coffee anytime, and any no. of times, during a day is one of the tastiest ways to spend time!

My love for coffee extends to the various cafes (branded or otherwise) which are found in all major cities of my country. Coffee with creamy, chocolately, ice-creamy sinfully tasty......that its damn difficult to resist them.

I love the milk-n-cookie flavoured lattes of Cafe Coffee the exquisite hazel nut mocha flavoured cappucinos of Barista!

But here in Russia though I have to be content with cappucinos for 18 rouble from a vending machine....Oh well life's like that sometimes........

And all this talk of coffee's making me want to brew a cup of some right till later!
