Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Last 1 Week...

Posted by Winz

Aptly titled so!
I honestly did not have any time to come online and update my blog, what with my birthday falling on the 21st, my exam on 23rd and my coming back home on the 24th & 25th!
Therefore there are quite a no. of things I'd like to touch upon starting with my b'day.
Truth be told I had a blast even though the tension of my upcoming exam was gnawing at my heels! Had a small party with my group-mates in the afternoon and went with my rommie to have dinner and get (sort of) high at night! :P

My group-mates gave me the best I really appreciate...2 CDs, 1 of and old AC/DC album and another an old Joe Satriani album. Guess they know my choice....oh wait! of course they know my choice....I'm too busy ranting them out during our in-between-the-classes discussions. :) hehehe

Anyway, my roomie and I had a crazy time....what with trying out new stuff to eat and smoking a 'hookah' (which really was quite an experience.....coz you start feeling sort of 'loose' and spacey!).
On the whole I enjoyed my b'day a lot. But its safe to say that the next day, i.e 22nd of January....I did not sleep at all coz I had to cram for my exam. Now here's where I was proven that William Fichtner is indeed really lucky for me!

As before my previous exam I watched a couple of Prison Break episodes on my notebook and spent quite a bit of time on Fichtner_Firsthand just looking up the pics and vowing (still have to do it though!) to make some new pics for all the Fichtner princesses and maybe (note the MAYBE) write a fan fic of my own (unless I'm feeling very lazy).
I passed my exam on the 23rd also with a good grade....and you can't imagine how grateful and happy I felt for my 'lucky charm'! ;)

24th and 25th were crazy with catching 2 flights, waiting in transit and all the other shit associated with air-travel. I swear that I hate travelling by aeroplanes. I'm claustrophobic, and have sinusitis since I was a child....and both play up 200-fold when I'm inside a plane! So its like a living agony which I can only find momentary escape when I sleep.
Strange thing is though, I've been a frequent flyer since I was a mere child of 3, flying approximately around 4-5 times a year (which increased with my age) and still I haven't been able to adjust to it! Oh well...gaining wings and flying is more metaphoric and philosophical for me I guess.

Now that I'm safely home I feel great albeit tired.... hence I've decided to stop writing now and give myself some rest! ;) ;)