Sunday, January 18, 2009

Exam woes.......not really this time....

Posted by Winz

And that's exactly what I mean!!!
I passed my first exam with a grade 4......which is equivalent to scoring around 80-90% from a 100!
No silly 'flu virus could keep my spirits down!
And the striking Mr.Fichtner did indeed prove as my lucky charm!!!!! ;)
Honestly keeping up with my current obsession......I watched around 3 of my favourite episodes of Prison Break (Its not even worth mentioning that I only did so to watch Alex Mahone!) the day before my exam.
I was so nervous......and it didn't help in anyway when my mind started co-relating different parts of the human body which I was practicing for before my exam with...ahem different parts of Mr. Fichtner's anatomy....( GO anyone? )
Also did not help was a lil file I found tucked away in fichtner_firsthand bout a nurse's guide to human anatomy, Mr.Fichtner-style!!! ;)
God I swear.....though I didn't sleep that night except for an hour and a half, instead of the usual brain clashes people have before exams....different theories and stuff mixing up with each other.....I had some really steamy clashes of William Fichtner and all the good parts of human anatomy!
Guess it all worked out perfect in the end......I got a good grade....and I'm honestly grateful to this man for helping me out!!!
Let's see how lucky he prove's to be for my next exam on 23rd Jan! ;)
(Though my b'day's coming up sooner....and I'm focusing more on that!!)
Till my next post........


jolly said...

Hi, your post reminds me of my college days.Its great the way you express yourself.Keep blogging:)