Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Men of my Life.......

Posted by Winz

This section, aptly named "Men of my life" will feature anything, about any man I find attractive, at any time. If this section presents itself more rampantly in my blog ......I just blame it to my raging hormones and sometimes to my slightly (?) over-functional limbic system!

Now to start the 1st post with an intro!

Those who are very close to me know a few snippets about my taste in men.......and those who don't have any idea here's a list of some of the qualities I appreciate in men:
Good personality.....should be assertive (wimps get outta the door)......should have a good sense of humor....should be able to parry with me during my sarcastic spells.....should be understanding of eccentricities.......should be a good and witty conversationist....should be respectful.......should allow me to dominate him in some cases ;)...... n stuff like that!
Saying all this physical appearance doesnt hold a lot of appeal for me unless the qualities I appreciate show up in it and give the man that unique radiance which will make me notice him.

Many would be surprised to know that I generally like older men, given some of my crushes (will be mentioned sooner than later n countless times I guess!!) are a minimum of 12-15 yrs older than me! Seriously I cannot find guys closer to my age attractive.....dont know why....
Now some psychologists will start analysing about some 'primordial desire to have fatherly affection' aka the sugar-daddy symptom......or liking older men coz they have more money or something......I'd very rudely ask them to stuff it up their...ahem! u get the point.
I genuinely like older men for what they are....maybe I find that they are more considerate and respectful to a young girl, treat them like they're special! Then again that's just me.

Also there is a certain thing I'd like to make clear.......I'm not a romantic.....I'm not into committments and stuff like that......neither am I into playing the field. I'm generally not interested in the opposite sex just for the sake of it.....
I mean I do like guys, think they're attractive and stuff but for that to happen the guy has to meet a very high personal standard which I have.
Truth be told I don't think many men my age would find me attractive (read here only as not having a sexy model's body! The thing inside my skull more than makes up for but you know guys.....*sigh*) .....but I guess once a guy reaches a certain age he doesn't tend to go only on the physical aspect of a woman! (my living daydream....though I guess its true in some cases!)

Anyway I think for an intro this is way too much.....will be back soon with a special article about one of my...er...lets just say 'kinks' soon! ;)