Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Men of my life......

Posted by Winz

I do not think of myself as contraire, the least association I have with pain the better! But sometimes I've seen myself to be attracted to...well to put it in the word of some of my friends (2 names particularly come to mind!) 'some serious baddies!'
This holds true for fictional characters till now......havent personally met a 'baddie' in real life till now! Though some corner of my heart wishes to meet one.....but I have absolutely no idea how I'd react....whether I'd be afraid of such a guy or not!

Honestly, there is something so absolutely sexy about a badass character. Basically I like their defiance of social norms.....appeals to my rebel instinct. Also they're never afraid to speak their mind....and physically there's something very appealing in the psychotic behaviour of a real 'baddie'
Speaking of baddies........I've lately been obsessed over William Fichtner (mentioned earlier in some posts), not only coz he's a fantastic actor but also coz he plays some seriously troubled characters in his TV n film credits.
I'm not talking only about Alexander Mahone in 'Prison Break', though it was coz of this show that I found myself attracted to him. Season 3 had Mahone at his best. A Sweaty, Dirty, Masculine, Sexy Junkie with tons of personality and sex appeal.....wht's not to like? ;)
Though I found myself in love with one of his older characters called Law in a very old movie directed by Kevin Spacey (yes...another actor playing seriously disturbed characters! Cool guy though!) called Albino Alligator.
God that man (Law) can give me chills and thrills at the same time. Is he sexy or is he? William Fichtner plays him so deliciously that I found myself longing for a situation where I can be face to face with a man like him (of course it'll help if he has all of Mr. Fichtner's characteristics from his perfectly toned body to his lovely angular face and his gorgeous just-a-look-can-make-you-melt blue eyes!). Of course I'd be scared as hell......coz men like this usually have an unpredictable temper but that I guess is the appeal of it.
There's something super thrilling and enchanting in facing a dangerous man of that calibre, especially since you don't know what'll happen. (A sexually charged atmosphere would be an additional bonus though ;) hehehe)

An additionl thought did pop up in my head(after reading a no. of messages in fan forums) that if Mr.Fichtner were given the role of Theodore Bagwell instead of Alex Mahone.....would he play him with that same degree of psychotic sex appeal that he shows us when he plays Law?

Ponder over that........till then take care! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog through the fichtner_firsthand group. :)

I totally agree with you about Law being sexy! I adore that character and I'm like this close to writing a fan fic about him, lol. There is some quality about him, making the fact that he is so rough and yet seems very misguided since youth, that really appeals to me. Oh, and at that yahoo group, under files, you'll find fan fic written about the character, if you're interested. Some pretty steamy stuff. ;)

MY THOUGHTS!! said...

A Sweaty, Dirty, Masculine, Sexy Junkie with tons of personality and sex appeal.....wht's not to like? ;)


girl fab blog!!