Saturday, May 2, 2009

Music...a part of my core

Posted by Winz

I wonder why when my mood is upset I try finding out things which will cause me more anguish and succeed in make me more upset than I initially was! Perplexing eh?
Like today...I spent almost half of the night looking for reasons if people hate Bon Jovi and for that matter Richie Sambora (the band's guitarist for those who are not aware), and for what reasons.
I knew I'd find a lot of haters...true Bon Jovi ain't the most popular band around...but it pained me to see that a lot of reasons given by people basically consist of the following:
a) They don't have talent
b) They a pretty boys who sing for girls only ( any guy who likes their music is apparently gay!)
c) They have no originality
d) They are an obsolete hair metal band who should have retired like their 80's counter-parts
e) They themselves are gays (one VERY popular reason!)
f) They are cheesy and they are not metal but they say they are...
and scores of others along those lines......
These people are even of the opinion that most people who in fact like Bon Jovi are:
a) Girls (or gays)
b) Have no taste in music whatsoever
and they are also kind enough to share these insightful thoughts:
a) Bon Jovi sux
b) GnR rocks...Axl kicks Bon Jovi's butt.....Slash can kill Sambora's solos....(Replace it with any other band, lead singer guitarist you prefer)
c) Bon Jovi are horrible
and the like.............
Well I for one do like the band, very very much so, it's the band that made me fall in love with glam rock of the 80's, which then made me want to try different bands from even older eras, ultimately made me the classic rock fan that I am now...... so does that mean that my taste in music is for shit?
Yes I am a girl, yes I do think the band has talent, has originality and hasn't gone out of style in the almost 26 yrs its been formed.
I am a diehard fan yes.....will I bash up anyone who criticises my favourite!
I love Bon Jovi...doesnt mean that others should nor should I force them to! True they may not be in the same strata as Rock Gods Zeppelin (whom I'm also a HUGE fan!) or the Stones(also fan!) or Bob Dylan.....nor may be Sambora the equivalent of Hendrix(fan!) or Page(obviously fan!) but they do have talent.
They have some highly original and memorable songs! Almost all their songs are easy to sing or hum along with.....simple songs about people and daily life.....
Don't know about people but sometimes I prefer songs like these than others with 'heavier' lyrics.
As a genuine fan (not a fangirl who says everything which they put out is Gospel!) I will say that they lost steam around 'These Days'. That album in my opinion is their best along with 'Keep The Faith'. 'Crush', 'Have a Nice Day' are ordinary (Ironic since the 1st album I bought was Crush...I was 12!). 'Bounce' was good in my opinion.....under-rated. 'Lost Highway'-hmmmmm still an album I have mixed views on....I like all songs (generally like all Bon Jovi songs....albiet in specific orders....though their are some few songs which I dont mind listening to but just won't prefer to if their are some of their better songs available!) but it seems that I have a hot/cold kinda opinion to it.....listening to it really depends on my mood!
I am slightly bugged that they are playing it safe....not taking any risks (well hello.....been arnd for 26 years now.....taking a risk won't cause any harm in the fan following....who knows.....old fans may love it!) makes the band look absolutely commercial.
Still they do make some of the best music now compared to majority of the 'whin-y' bands with similar music and lyrics saturating the atmosphere now.
Also another thing which bugs me is the comparision of Sambora's guitaring skills with other guitarists!
True that most people who know me or are close to me in anyway know that I'm obsessed with this my eyes he's right up there with the best guitarists...but people feel that he's a talentless hack who can't play any riff properly and give such comments like : "Slash owns him" or "Can't compare this talentless hack with Hendrix" and stuff!
Since I am not a particularly good judge of guitaring skills (I'm more of a vocalist person.......and yes I do believe that Jon's voice has gone for the worse after 'Crush') I won't give any judgement in this matter....only will cite a personal opinion that Richie Sambora has never been allowed to explore his full level with the guitar in Bon Jovi (anyone who's heard his solo albums will know that he has a neat style of playing!). The only time he was allowed some free reign.....we got Dry County...and God was that solo wonderful!
He is a talented musician....I wont put him in the 'God' catagory maybe for most....but he's definitely close to it for me! (he has a nice voice too......raw but passionate...definitely sexy!)
In short I'd say that I love Bon Jovi, I love them inspite of their mediocrity (acc. to some), lack of originality/talent, I love them with all their flaws, I love them 'cause they only aspire to entertain and they do it quite well (for 45+ men....over 25 odd years ;)!)....I love them mostly for the fact that they got me into Rock n Roll and saved me from all these idiotic crap like rap, hip-hop and nu-rock!
Bon Jovi is my 1st band....and will always remain my favourite.....and I sincerely hope that they release their next album with a 'These Days' feeling!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Posted by Winz

I know I promised that I wouldn't write the really serious stuff here but this is something that I felt I needed to vent.
All around us people are born and they die. It is not about these 2 realities that I feel so uneasy but what comes in and how we live it.
As far as history goes...every culture, every civilization, every God-Knows-What has been governed by rules. Not that I begrudge rules....there does exist a need for some order, some balance but sometimes I find these rules cumbersome.
Society and its rules-little mannerisms of politeness reeking with insincerity, hypocritical views of how men and women should live and behave, bug me to no end. I'm a rebel...maybe not in the truest sense (though what is the truest one can answer!), but I do generally rebel what is expected of me by society.
What has made me annoyed on this particular day is the concept of urban life!
Take the example of a child born a few years ago and in most of the cases his or her life will be something like this: being born, growing up, going to school, going to college, getting a job, getting married, having kids, seeing their kids grow and repeat what they did, retiring from work, and dying.
Why oh why can't someone do something different? I don't know maybe not get a conventional Job, encourage their kids to do something out of the ordinary, not get married, do something which they'd only dreamt of.....possibilities are endless........
I for one am not going to grow older and see my life wasted in such a useless, worthless way......I mean sure people are expected to do those's the natural order of things....way of life as it should be according to everyone but its boring...its monotonous and certainly not the way I want my life to be.
From those things I stated I'm sure of one thing I'm not going to do.....that is to get married....and by default everything associated with it.
For the life of them most of my peers, my acquiantances, relatives, whatever..can't understand this. For them its unnatural, unusual, inconceivable that I'd want to do something like this. "How can you not get married? Think of the the time when you'll be older, you'll need someone beside you, you'll need your children." This is the sort if thing I don't believe in. I don't know why but more the people tell anything along these lines the more I feel rebellious!
They cannot understand that some people are meant to be different, think things differently, feel the extreme desire to break free of those invisible shackles which binds people to the stereotypical view of life.
When I've mentioned to anyone that I find the concept of marriage monotonous and uninteresting, many can't understand it. I have to find excuses about career, economic freedom and stuff (which of course are also reasons but not as strong as the feeling of being free, being different!)
I also know that these views are only mine.........I don't expect to be approved of it but hell be damned I'm going to do whatever I what to do with my life!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life's little nuggets

Posted by Winz

It has been approximately 2 months since I last had time (ok I'm lying mind's lie-detector is screaming for all its worth....) er......rather felt lazy to write something though many instances have gone by when I've felt like jotting down my pent up thoughts.

I genuinely had had problems around a month back, as in was busy at home and really didnt have any time come online, then after I came back to my university I had some problems with my internet connection as I changed my connection plan, and finally I caught a tenacious 'flu virus from God knows where and was sick with a high fever and an irritating cough for almost 20 days!

I do feel loads better now, and have been meaning to write something down, but as I mentioned before.....was lazy etc etc.....

Anyway for no apparent reason the only thing in my mind right now is Coffee!

To be honest I'm a caffiene addict: I can't do anything without a daily dose of caffiene. Whether its from coffee or from cola....I love caffiene in all its forms!

Today though the weather's a bit chilly and coffee's on the agenda.

I love almost all kinds of coffee....cold, hot, with all sorts of creams n syrups......Though I'm not a huge fan of black coffee, I do like my coffee with less sugar, enhancing its bitter taste.

Almost everyone will agree that a good cup of coffee is one of the best ways to start a day. For me though, being prone to opposites, a good cup of coffee anytime, and any no. of times, during a day is one of the tastiest ways to spend time!

My love for coffee extends to the various cafes (branded or otherwise) which are found in all major cities of my country. Coffee with creamy, chocolately, ice-creamy sinfully tasty......that its damn difficult to resist them.

I love the milk-n-cookie flavoured lattes of Cafe Coffee the exquisite hazel nut mocha flavoured cappucinos of Barista!

But here in Russia though I have to be content with cappucinos for 18 rouble from a vending machine....Oh well life's like that sometimes........

And all this talk of coffee's making me want to brew a cup of some right till later!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Last 1 Week...

Posted by Winz

Aptly titled so!
I honestly did not have any time to come online and update my blog, what with my birthday falling on the 21st, my exam on 23rd and my coming back home on the 24th & 25th!
Therefore there are quite a no. of things I'd like to touch upon starting with my b'day.
Truth be told I had a blast even though the tension of my upcoming exam was gnawing at my heels! Had a small party with my group-mates in the afternoon and went with my rommie to have dinner and get (sort of) high at night! :P

My group-mates gave me the best I really appreciate...2 CDs, 1 of and old AC/DC album and another an old Joe Satriani album. Guess they know my choice....oh wait! of course they know my choice....I'm too busy ranting them out during our in-between-the-classes discussions. :) hehehe

Anyway, my roomie and I had a crazy time....what with trying out new stuff to eat and smoking a 'hookah' (which really was quite an experience.....coz you start feeling sort of 'loose' and spacey!).
On the whole I enjoyed my b'day a lot. But its safe to say that the next day, i.e 22nd of January....I did not sleep at all coz I had to cram for my exam. Now here's where I was proven that William Fichtner is indeed really lucky for me!

As before my previous exam I watched a couple of Prison Break episodes on my notebook and spent quite a bit of time on Fichtner_Firsthand just looking up the pics and vowing (still have to do it though!) to make some new pics for all the Fichtner princesses and maybe (note the MAYBE) write a fan fic of my own (unless I'm feeling very lazy).
I passed my exam on the 23rd also with a good grade....and you can't imagine how grateful and happy I felt for my 'lucky charm'! ;)

24th and 25th were crazy with catching 2 flights, waiting in transit and all the other shit associated with air-travel. I swear that I hate travelling by aeroplanes. I'm claustrophobic, and have sinusitis since I was a child....and both play up 200-fold when I'm inside a plane! So its like a living agony which I can only find momentary escape when I sleep.
Strange thing is though, I've been a frequent flyer since I was a mere child of 3, flying approximately around 4-5 times a year (which increased with my age) and still I haven't been able to adjust to it! Oh well...gaining wings and flying is more metaphoric and philosophical for me I guess.

Now that I'm safely home I feel great albeit tired.... hence I've decided to stop writing now and give myself some rest! ;) ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Tennis Thread

Posted by Winz

Ok...let's is the one sport I'm seriously obsessed about.
And since today is the 19th of January......its the 1st day of the 'happy' Slam....all tennis fans you guessed it right....It's the 1st day of the Australian of the most fun and lively grand slam tournaments in the tennis calendar.
Now to make it clear for everyone....I'm a Rafael Nadal fan, so any comments against him will have serious repercussions! :P
Seriously though I like a host of players for their style of playing (both male and female) and I know a majority of the players playing in the circuit now even if I'm not a huge fan.
I enjoy tennis, though I know that it's sort of like an intelligent man's game.
True most people don't have a lot of patience to sit and understand the rules of playing the game, understanding football even cricket is easier in many aspects, but watching the beautiful angular shots, listening to the soft 'thwack' of a tennis ball against a racquet and seeing it ricochet around the court has a different appeal!
Here I'd like to clarify that I like Nadal not because of his physical appearance rather I like him for his aggressive style of play on court and his shy demeanor off it!
He's definitely a fan favourite.....especially since he provides his own blogs for his fans to read in most major tournaments......
What makes him feel ordinary is that he has ordinary interests which an average 22 year old has! He likes playing games......loves chocolates.....guess there's nothing else to mention now! :)
I will definitely support him in the tournament..........hope he'll stay fit.....and about him winning or not...can't guarantee it....but would love to see him hold the trophy! :)

Music...a part of my core

Posted by Winz

Now that its established that I love Classic Rock....I can go on to expressing more about my love for music.
My greatest regret is that I can't play any musical instrument, except a classical Indian one called the harmonium (if you don't know what it is or how it looks like just google it up! :))
I would love to learn how to play the guitar...Seriously its one of the coolest instruments out there.....a bit cliched but there you have it! I honestly love every twang of a guitar string, played the right way of course.....
One of my fantasies involves a guy of my dreams seducing me with a really loud rock song with a neat and passionate lil riff playing in the background.
One of the things which puzzles me is that how most of my peers seem to find rock music loud and un-hearable while they listen to the absolute crap of these days which they consider the best thing since potato chips!
They cannot seem to find the beauty hidden in the songs I seem to like.
Now here I'd like to insert a teeny bit of information: I don't like most of today's rock bands either....most of their lyrics are to 'whine-y' about how bad everything is, how hope is gone and almost every band's style is the same! Its really boring!
I love how every old band seem to have a distinct sound to them even if they were of the same eras!!!
There are some things I noticed about some bands I like (I think other fans can recognise them too) which I'd like to list here starting with my all time fave, Bon Jovi.
For eg:
Bon Jovi: there songs generally have two main verses, with the main chorus interspersed in between, with another small verse which comes mostly before the main guitar solo and ends with a repetition of the solo fading to the background or with a loud note.

Led Zeppelin: Characteristic trait: Long songs with beautiful solos....not only from guitars....from drums, flutes and what not and, mostly, very little amount of lyrics...with lots of sexy "ooohs" and "aahhhs" from Robert Plant.

Skid Row: Songs usually feature two main verses with the chorus in between and they end off with some gorgeous guitar solos.

Aerosmith: Loud, crazy, wonderful songs with lots of lyrics! Their type of songs really suit Steven Tyler's voice.

Kiss: two main verses.....occasional third verse and main chorus....songs usually end with a bang!

These are some of the things I noticed......funny how your mind sub-consciously picks up these lil details when you don't even realise it!
Till next time.....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Exam woes.......not really this time....

Posted by Winz

And that's exactly what I mean!!!
I passed my first exam with a grade 4......which is equivalent to scoring around 80-90% from a 100!
No silly 'flu virus could keep my spirits down!
And the striking Mr.Fichtner did indeed prove as my lucky charm!!!!! ;)
Honestly keeping up with my current obsession......I watched around 3 of my favourite episodes of Prison Break (Its not even worth mentioning that I only did so to watch Alex Mahone!) the day before my exam.
I was so nervous......and it didn't help in anyway when my mind started co-relating different parts of the human body which I was practicing for before my exam with...ahem different parts of Mr. Fichtner's anatomy....( GO anyone? )
Also did not help was a lil file I found tucked away in fichtner_firsthand bout a nurse's guide to human anatomy, Mr.Fichtner-style!!! ;)
God I swear.....though I didn't sleep that night except for an hour and a half, instead of the usual brain clashes people have before exams....different theories and stuff mixing up with each other.....I had some really steamy clashes of William Fichtner and all the good parts of human anatomy!
Guess it all worked out perfect in the end......I got a good grade....and I'm honestly grateful to this man for helping me out!!!
Let's see how lucky he prove's to be for my next exam on 23rd Jan! ;)
(Though my b'day's coming up sooner....and I'm focusing more on that!!)
Till my next post........

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Music...a part of my core

Posted by Winz

I love classic Rock n Roll......of course I'm not an expert or something in the old rock eras, but I'm always open to trying out new 'oldie' bands or artists.
One thing always bugs me and that is the bashing of my choices in Rock by people who claim that the bands/artists I like are not true rockers as compared to artists like Cradle of Filth, Slayer, Iced Earth and the like.
Now heavy metal is popular sub-genre of rock, I completely agree with it. It has its own fan following but its certainly not for me! I get headaches from listening to artists like these. But I always feel annoyed when fans of this genre keep whining that heavy metal artists are "the gods of rock" and artists I prefer and love are bullshit!
While my tolerance for heavy metal is low.....I do like some goth based and light metal songs. I've developed a slight interest in 'shock rock' recently but that's also not as much as I like ordinary hard rock bands!

For most who don't know my preference here's a list of artists/bands I enjoy listening to:
Bon Jovi (my ultimate favourite....deserves a separate post....will add later!)
Led Zeppelin (unquestionably my 2nd favourite band)
The Who (newest 'oldie' to my ever growing list of favourites)
Van Halen
Deep Purple
Eric Clapton (he's one of my mum's fave artists....grew up listening to most of his songs!)
Janis Joplin
Jimi Hendrix
Def Leppard
The Rolling Stones
Creedance Clearwater Revival
Skid Row (older songs mostly...when Sebastian Bach was still in the band)
Eagles (also coz of my mum!)
Red Hot Chili Peppers(only alt.rock band like)
Evanescence(only new band I like)

and a host more I can't recollect now......

Bands I'd like to try (within the next month) include: INXS, Sex pistols, Twisted Sister, Tesla and I want to try more of Black Sabbath songs.
I also like independent works by any artist associated with any band I like...most fave being works of Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi) and Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin).

My mother's been a huge influence on my taste in the oldies. I grew up, like I mentioned listening to Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Elton John, Tina Turner, Eagles, BeeGees, The Police and Rod Stewart to mention a few. I do like some songs by these artists (and more!) and have a soft spot for them even though I'm not a hard-core fan except perhaps for Clapton!
As mentioned before I like some Marilyn Manson and Alice Cooper songs (hence the credit of slightly liking shock rock!) but I'm certainly not a big fan!

To the contrary I don't like Guns and Roses very much (owing to the fact that Axl Rose's disposition makes me sick...though I admire Slash's guitaring skills...) or Nirvana (Kurt Cobain is over-rated to the max!) as they have enough fans around the world and won't miss my support very much! Most rock fans list them either seperately or together when they give their faves its surprising I guess not to find them in mine.

The Beatles on the other hand...I'm not sure....I like some of their songs...but I'm not a huge fan of them! I prefer the Rolling Stones over them anyday!

Guess its enough rambling about this.....gotta grab something to eat. Adios!

Men of my life......

Posted by Winz

I do not think of myself as contraire, the least association I have with pain the better! But sometimes I've seen myself to be attracted to...well to put it in the word of some of my friends (2 names particularly come to mind!) 'some serious baddies!'
This holds true for fictional characters till now......havent personally met a 'baddie' in real life till now! Though some corner of my heart wishes to meet one.....but I have absolutely no idea how I'd react....whether I'd be afraid of such a guy or not!

Honestly, there is something so absolutely sexy about a badass character. Basically I like their defiance of social norms.....appeals to my rebel instinct. Also they're never afraid to speak their mind....and physically there's something very appealing in the psychotic behaviour of a real 'baddie'
Speaking of baddies........I've lately been obsessed over William Fichtner (mentioned earlier in some posts), not only coz he's a fantastic actor but also coz he plays some seriously troubled characters in his TV n film credits.
I'm not talking only about Alexander Mahone in 'Prison Break', though it was coz of this show that I found myself attracted to him. Season 3 had Mahone at his best. A Sweaty, Dirty, Masculine, Sexy Junkie with tons of personality and sex appeal.....wht's not to like? ;)
Though I found myself in love with one of his older characters called Law in a very old movie directed by Kevin Spacey (yes...another actor playing seriously disturbed characters! Cool guy though!) called Albino Alligator.
God that man (Law) can give me chills and thrills at the same time. Is he sexy or is he? William Fichtner plays him so deliciously that I found myself longing for a situation where I can be face to face with a man like him (of course it'll help if he has all of Mr. Fichtner's characteristics from his perfectly toned body to his lovely angular face and his gorgeous just-a-look-can-make-you-melt blue eyes!). Of course I'd be scared as hell......coz men like this usually have an unpredictable temper but that I guess is the appeal of it.
There's something super thrilling and enchanting in facing a dangerous man of that calibre, especially since you don't know what'll happen. (A sexually charged atmosphere would be an additional bonus though ;) hehehe)

An additionl thought did pop up in my head(after reading a no. of messages in fan forums) that if Mr.Fichtner were given the role of Theodore Bagwell instead of Alex Mahone.....would he play him with that same degree of psychotic sex appeal that he shows us when he plays Law?

Ponder over that........till then take care! :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Exam woes

Posted by Winz

Ok, the life of a student is always filled with the tension of exams.......mine are too especially since the said exams are in less than 4 days!
Time to start hitting the panic button.
And it doesnt help a bit if the scoring at the practicals should be really, really high for you to pass on and give the theoritical exam!
So as in the life of a typical student during the exam week, mine too are filled with sleepless nights, hurried practical practice during the days and catching a few winks when I can manage. To top everything off I'm sick! The brilliance of it all never ceases to amaze me! Everytime I have some important exam...a snivelling little 'flu virus comes creeping along and enters my system to cause all the havoc it can. Now its enjoyin its stay in my body (till my immune system fights it off!), while I'm suffering the consequences.....i.e, studying difficult medical subjects with a blocked nose, throat irritation, headaches and slight temperature!

Honestly speaking the only thing keeping me sane at this time n not lose it completely (read here as my temper only!) is music (thank God for classic bands! ) and, u'll never guess it, William Fichtner!!!
Now how did William Fichtner come into the picture, I honestly don't know. I just know that everytime I can spare a few minutes online I'm checking out fichtner_firsthand, a yahoo group dedicated to him, for pictures and stuff. Somehow I've managed to find my latest crush. That man is as hot as it can get!
(Guess I should shift this part to the "Men in my Life" section ;) hehehe)

Anyway I hope he proves to be my lucky rabbit foot or my 4-clover leaf and gives me good luck for my exams!
Later then.... :)

Men of my Life.......

Posted by Winz

This section, aptly named "Men of my life" will feature anything, about any man I find attractive, at any time. If this section presents itself more rampantly in my blog ......I just blame it to my raging hormones and sometimes to my slightly (?) over-functional limbic system!

Now to start the 1st post with an intro!

Those who are very close to me know a few snippets about my taste in men.......and those who don't have any idea here's a list of some of the qualities I appreciate in men:
Good personality.....should be assertive (wimps get outta the door)......should have a good sense of humor....should be able to parry with me during my sarcastic spells.....should be understanding of eccentricities.......should be a good and witty conversationist....should be respectful.......should allow me to dominate him in some cases ;)...... n stuff like that!
Saying all this physical appearance doesnt hold a lot of appeal for me unless the qualities I appreciate show up in it and give the man that unique radiance which will make me notice him.

Many would be surprised to know that I generally like older men, given some of my crushes (will be mentioned sooner than later n countless times I guess!!) are a minimum of 12-15 yrs older than me! Seriously I cannot find guys closer to my age attractive.....dont know why....
Now some psychologists will start analysing about some 'primordial desire to have fatherly affection' aka the sugar-daddy symptom......or liking older men coz they have more money or something......I'd very rudely ask them to stuff it up their...ahem! u get the point.
I genuinely like older men for what they are....maybe I find that they are more considerate and respectful to a young girl, treat them like they're special! Then again that's just me.

Also there is a certain thing I'd like to make clear.......I'm not a romantic.....I'm not into committments and stuff like that......neither am I into playing the field. I'm generally not interested in the opposite sex just for the sake of it.....
I mean I do like guys, think they're attractive and stuff but for that to happen the guy has to meet a very high personal standard which I have.
Truth be told I don't think many men my age would find me attractive (read here only as not having a sexy model's body! The thing inside my skull more than makes up for but you know guys.....*sigh*) .....but I guess once a guy reaches a certain age he doesn't tend to go only on the physical aspect of a woman! (my living daydream....though I guess its true in some cases!)

Anyway I think for an intro this is way too much.....will be back soon with a special article about one of just say 'kinks' soon! ;)